Hi, everybody! It’s time for Which Cover Wednesday! Which Cover Wednesday is a meme I host where I compare two different covers of the same book and give my opinion on which does it better. And feel free to join in on the fun as well, by commenting about these covers in the Comments Section below. This week’s covers are:

1.  Wrapped by Jennifer Bradbury

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I really like the first one. It just looks like a bit more effort has been put into it compared to the second cover, which looks more like a collage of sorts…

2. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin (English and Russian)

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First cover forever! I just fell in love with the cover of the book. It just seems so fanciful and ethereal… While the second cover looks interesting, it’s the first one that’s captured my heart! ❤

3. The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski

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Before the second cover came out, I wouldn’t believe that it could be possible to improve on the first cover of The Winner’s Curse. Was I ever wrong! The second cover not only has a great placement of type (which I do like better than the first one’s confusing layout) and model, it gives off the vibe that you do not want to mess with the protagonist… 😉

4. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (English and French)

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This is a tough call. Both are variants of the same cover and look so good! But in this case, I’d have to go with the first cover because it plays with different colour schemes… Plus, I kind of like how the crow is depicted in the first cover in comparison to the second one.

Well, that’s it for this week’s Which Cover Wednesday. If you have any comments or questions about the covers above, feel free to leave them in the Comments Section below! Thanks for reading!

–  Sumaya