
Sue's Reading Corner

where YA books are reviewed


Blog Anniversary

Since I’ve Been Gone

Hey, everyone. It’s been a while. And I wish I could apologize for it and say I won’t do it again. But I probably will. It happens after a while of blogging; I just get tired of putting up content.

Don’t get me wrong. At first, it’s the best feeling in the world to feel the keys beneath my fingers, trying to compose my thoughts about a book and engage with an audience. But some days, I just don’t want to. There are times where I just want to read books without worrying about blogging and it’s amazing. For instance, lately, I’ve been expanding my tastes to romance, both contemporary and historical, and it’s been great. But do I want to blog about all the books I’ve read, even if I liked them?

I guess from here on out, what I can say is that if I ever do blog, it’ll be for me and my own satisfaction. And that doesn’t mean I don’t want people to read my posts. If one more person wants to read The Duchess Deal or another book because they’ve read a blog post of mine, that’s great. However, I’m not going to stress out about where my blog is going or projections for the future of my blog. Because you know what? I’m doing just fine.

–  Sumaya

One Year Anniversary! 

Well, I can’t believe it but it’s been one year since I’ve started this blog! Even with the hiatus, it’s been such a great experience! I loved getting knowing other bloggers and seeing posts that would influence me into reading books I wold have never picked up otherwise. And I loved participating  in memes like Top Ten Tuesday and posting reviews of book that I loved (or didn’t love 😉 )! In this time, I also invented Which Cover Wednesday, a meme that compared covers of the same book.

I’d like to thank anyone that’s commented and liked my posts as well as followed my blog! So far, I have 221 followers and 145 blog posts (including this one)! After being gone for so long, it feels like such a feat! Hopefully, I stay in the blogeverse for many more years to come! 😀

Thanks for reading!

– Sumaya

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