Thank you, j.belk , for nominating me!

1. Select 15 other blogs you want to give this award to. Do some digging if you must! Find those blogs. You cannot nominate yourself of the person who has nominated you.

2. Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two advice to new bloggers. List who nominated you in your post. Make sure to attach the award yourself!

3. Comment on each blog to let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to your award post.

4. Provide a link to the original post on Edge of NightThis way, anyone can find the original post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing!

Why I started blogging:

I started writing this blog as a second attempt. The first time I made a blog was two years ago, and I didn’t really stay on track with it. I would post a whole bunch of reviews one day and did not come back to it after awhile. Now, not only do I pay attention to my blog, I also explore and look at other people’s.


  1. Keep posting on your blog. If you don’t post recently, you’ll get tired of your blog. For instance, sometimes I don’t want to review a book because I don’t know what to say about it. What I do to make sure I review is tell myself that I will not read another book until I review the last one. It works so far; I’ve been too cranky after two days of not reading… 😛
  2. Interact with other people. Not only will it get more people to know you as a blogger, it also gives you perspective that you wouldn’t have had if you just stayed on your page and talked about what you know. It’s fun to learn!

For the Blogger Recognition Award, I nominate:

  1. susannevalenti
  2. a novel glimpse
  3. Little Book Star
  4. carolinepeckham
  5. bibliomad
  6. inside the mind of a bibliophile
  7. Zed Amadeo
  8. bloodystranger
  9. Yellow, Green, and Read All Over
  10. Book Enthral
  11. Don’t Shush Me!
  12. Desabelle
  13. Kαℓєι Kites
  14. Diminishing Thoughts
  15. half of my mind

Keep reading, everyone!
